KION Baoli 2020 domestic dealer meeting was successfully held in Jingjiang from 13
th to 14
th January. Over 300 guests got together, looking back on the past 2019 and expecting a brand new 2020. We aim to shaping the future together.
Zhu Xudong, President of KION Baoli Forklift, showed guests the achievements of 2019, marketing analysis of both domestic and overseas, as well as some historic events such as SAP start-up, CeMAT, factory upgrading. In the coming 2020, Baoli will make synergy with the group resource, deepen reform and trainsformation, heading forward a new road of both volume and profit.

We launched three type of new trucks: lithium battery truck KBE-Li, lead battery truck KBE-N and new lithium battery pallet truck KBP15-C. The three shimmering trucks has drawn a lot of attention during the meeting.
On the annual dealer awards dinner, we gave prize to the dealers who had made outstanding achievements. In 2020, Baoli and our dealers should cooperate again and make efforts to a better future.

We also held a football match between Baoli members and Baoli dealers, which strengthened their willings and brought them closer to each other.

The power of individual is limited, we must accumulate every aspects to a better way of development. Let’s shape the future together.